2024 NAVREF Annual Conference

Join MITRE experts and leaders at the NAVREF Conference to learn how we are supporting the VA research community.

Sep 15 - 18, 2024
All day
Washington, D.C.
2024 NAVREF Conference

MITRE is a global not-for-profit, public-interest company that works to apply research directly to the challenges found at the intersection of mission and technology. As trusted advisors, we connect governments, industry, and academia to address complex whole-of-nation and global security challenges.

We work with government agencies to identify their hardest problems that could be solved through R&D and develop new ways to use technology, creating tools, processes, and approaches that help agencies carry out their missions and ensure a safer world.




man with baseball hat working on a drone

We Discover. We Create. We Lead.

For more than 60 years, we have worked in the public interest—growing from the operation of one FFRDC to six. We perform independent research to address national challenges and create economic value through technology advances. Through our public-private partnerships, we work across government, academia, and industry to tackle challenges to the safety, stability, and well-being of our nation. We deliver independent advice, robust systems thinking, and interdisciplinary expertise to achieve our mission: solving problems for a safer world.

MITRE's Antenna Lab

An Engine for Disruptive Innovation and Solutions.

Stopping cyber theft of intellectual property by foreign governments. Slowing cyber adversaries. Securing microelectronics and pharmaceutical supply chains. We’re focused on strengthening vital U.S. missions and industries of the future through our talent, platforms, partnerships, and community.

MITRE Labs inspires breakthroughs in applied science and advanced technology to transform the future of U.S. scientific and economic leadership.

nurse and patient

For more information about MITRE’s VA Health Systems and Transformation Division:


MITRE shares in the VA’s mission to deliver unparalleled healthcare solutions to improve the lives of our nation’s heroes, their families, caregivers, and survivors. 




Let’s Connect

For additional questions or to connect with a subject matter expert, please contact us at: sroe@mitre.org