Covid vaccine vials

Global Health Security Fact Sheet

In an evolving threat landscape, MITRE’s public service mission and trusted relationship with government has never been more important than it is today. The nation will continue to grapple with the threat of biological events such as COVID-19, and MITRE stands ready to partner across sectors to mitigate the consequences of such events to the American people.

MITRE has extensively engaged leaders from industry, academia, and government to develop sustainable solutions for building a biopharma industrial base. This industrial base secures access to, and supply of medical countermeasures, essential medicines, and critical medical supplies, which MITRE understands as vital to national, economic, and health security interests.

In bringing interdisciplinary, systems thinking to the complex challenges facing government in securing and sustaining a biopharma industrial base, MITRE serves as a uniquely qualified partner to government. Our experts offer decades of experience related to the persistent challenges facing government and industry in the strengthening and sustainment of this industrial base.

In crisis or “peacetime,” we lead with a driving sense of urgency to help government develop innovative business models, establish strong partnerships, and implement evidence-based recommendations to see a world safer from health threats.

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