In mission critical applications of distributed information systems, autonomous information resources are coordinated to meet the information demands of client specific decision-support views.

Coordination of View Maintenance Policy Adaption Decisions: A Negotiation-Based Reasoning Approach
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In mission critical applications of distributed information systems, autonomous information resources are coordinated to meet the information demands of client specific decision-support views. A major challenge is handling dynamic changes in QoS constraints of the clients and/or changes in QoS properties of the resources. This paper presents a negotiation-based adaptive view coordination approach to address such run-time changes. The three key ideas are as follows. a) A negotiation-based reasoning model for adapting view maintenance policies to meet changes in QoS needs and context constraints. b) A dynamic software architecture of the collaborating information resources supporting the client task of maintaining a specific view. c) Coordination mechanisms in the architecture that realize negotiated changes in the policies for view maintenance. The paper describes an initial prototype of the support system for the supply-chain task domain.