Ten recommendations to Congress, OMB, federal agencies, and industry on modernizing IT systems in order to advance the federal government’s missions and improve citizens’ experience.
Ten Recommendations to Modernize Archaic and Insecure Legacy Applications
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Significant numbers of critical federal information technology systems that provide vital support to agencies’ missions are operating with known security vulnerabilities and unsupported hardware and software. These legacy systems support important missions like wartime readiness and the operation of dams and power plants. Recently, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported that some legacy systems are more than 60 years old, with some operating software that is up to 15 versions out of date.
Without a modern 21st century digital government, federal agencies cannot fully harness the power of technology to advance their missions and improve citizens’ experience with the federal government. We offer these recommendations to OMB, Congress, federal agencies, and industry—which all play a critical role in prioritizing and modernizing our mission critical systems.