Insider Threat Research & Solutions


Manage insider threat risk using the behavioral sciences to understand cyber-physical and psycho-social aspects of people, programs, indicators, and analysis.

MITRE’s Insider Threat Research & Solutions team has developed rigorous and data-driven frameworks, indicators, methodologies, mitigations, operational successes, and thought leadership to reduce the risk from harmful acts undertaken by trusted employees inside an organization. MITRE's subject matter expertise uniquely spans a spectrum of harmful cyber and non-cyber (behavioral) insider incidents that our sponsors face daily, including those from malicious or non-malicious employees (e.g., negligent, mistaken, or outsmarted). Our solutions are based on over 15 years of scientific research and standing up insider threat programs. We put science into the equation.

MITRE knows that insider threat requires a human solution and not just technology. We uniquely harness both behavioral sciences and cyber sciences to more effectively deter, detect, and mitigate insider threats. Our multi-disciplinary team consists of 20 researchers and practitioners who have worked in insider threat programs in government and critical infrastructure organizations, and/or have significant expertise applying the behavioral sciences, cybersecurity, data sciences, and intellectual property protection to insider risk.

Building, growing, and maturing insider threat programs for government, industry, and academia, the MITRE Insider Threat Research & Solutions team is recognized for excellence nationally and internationally. Our work is sought out for consultations, partnerships, and presentations.

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