The paired approach procedure is intended to facilitate IFR approaches to closely spaced parallel runways (closer than 2500 feet) and increase runway throughput where parallel ILS approaches cannot be conducted under instrument meteorological conditions.

Paired Approach: A Closely Spaced Parallel Runway Approach
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The paired approach procedure is intended to facilitate IFR approaches to closely spaced parallel runways (closer than 2500 feet) and increase runway throughput where parallel ILS approaches cannot be conducted under instrument meteorological conditions. The paired approach procedure requires that air traffic control pair compatible and eligible aircraft and place them on the final approach courses within a required altitude and longitudinal separation. Within the aircraft pair, the flight crew of the trail aircraft conducts the procedure by achieving and maintaining a defined longitudinal spacing prior to the final approach fix. The flight crew will use a cockpit-based tool set to conduct the spacing task. The initial procedures were examined in a medium fidelity flight simulator to aid in the further definition of the flight deck tasks and to develop the cockpit display requirements. The procedure is in the preliminary stages of development and evaluation, but the spacing concept and tools are being applied and developed further for other approach spacing applications.